Modern Gen X Woman

It's Time to Start Running Efficient Meetings

Modern Gen X Woman Episode 216

This episode explores strategies for running effective meetings. The hosts discuss the inefficiency of many meetings and the negative impact of too many meetings on productivity and decision-making. They emphasize the importance of flow and time management in meetings and suggest alternatives to status meetings. The hosts also provide tips for effective brainstorming meetings and offer tactics for making meetings more efficient. The episode concludes with a call to action for individuals and organizations to improve their meeting practices.

Do This in Status Meetings
Do Meetless Mondays
Do schedule meetings to not end on the hour or half hour to provide time
Do This in Brainstorming Meetings to get the most innovative ideas
Do leave your ego at the door


Introduction: The Art of Running Effective Meetings

The Meeting Culture and Inefficiency

One-on-One Meetings and Coaching Opportunities

The Negative Impact of Too Many Meetings

The Importance of Flow and Time Management

Meeting Fatigue and Decision Fatigue

The Problems with Status Meetings

Meetings for the Sake of Meetings

Effective Brainstorming Meetings

Tactics for Efficient Meetings

Conclusion: Becoming Effective Professionals

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