Modern Gen X Woman
Modern Gen X Woman
Is Your Non-Preference Sending the Wrong Message
We want to be accommodating and easy going, the kind of woman who wants to ‘go with the flow’ so we say thinks like, ‘Whatever you want,” “I don’t care,” or “You decide.” While we think this is helpful to others and sends the message that we can take the backseat, it actually can send the opposite message from what you are trying to portray.
In this week’s episode, we are exploring the ideas around not having a preference and encouraging you to take a stand.
In this episode we’re talking about…
- How your upbringing may add to this way of being
- Why you may be adding to someone else’s decision fatigue
- The fear of conflict or making the wrong decision
- Why you may actually care more than you think
- While you may think you’re being easy going it may actually come across like you are not interested
The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.
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